Microsurgical flaps atlas with surgical techniques Konstantin G. Abalmasov

Microsurgical flaps atlas with surgical techniques Konstantin G. Abalmasov

Serial: ISBN 978-5-99052-914-4
149 EUR
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   The term micro-surgery means a special technique of performing surgical operations under the surgical microscope with the use of special tools and superfine atraumatic suture. Many surgeons believe that microsurgery - this is the highest level of technology, that opens up entirely new possibilities in any area of surgery.

Microsurgical flaps atlas with surgical techniques  - Contents

Microsurgery at the turn of the century
Preamble of occurrence of plastic surgery as a science
Leonardo da Vinci
Relation to medicine
Leonardo's anatomy
Andreas Vesalius

Anesthesia in plastic surgery
Lukashevich-Oberst conduction anesthesia
Anesthesia of the brachial plexus by Kulenkampf
The blockade of the sciatic nerve by the Woyno-Yasenetsky
Intravenous regional anesthesia
Spinal anesthesia
Epidural anesthesia
Features of preparation of microsurgeons and microtechnology
Fundamentals of microsurgical techniques. General provisions and basic rules
Preliminary exercises
Capture, needle position and holding it through the fabric
Knot tying
Microvascular technique
Isolation of the vessel
Preparation of the vessel for anastomosis
Arterial "end-to-end" anastomosis
Tests to determine the patency of the anastomosis
Venous "end-to-end" anastomosis
Anastomosis "end-to-side"
Vein graft interposition
Research Methods
Clinical examination
Method for determination of tissue pH
Electromagnetic flowmetry
Fluorescent control
Oxygen polarography
Polarographic determination of local blood flow by hydrogen
Pulse oximetry
Impedance plethysmography
Doppler ultrasound
Laser flowmetry
Radioisotope study
Causes of acute disturbance of blood flow in the graft
Conservative activities in the immediate postoperative period

Special part
Berast flaps
Pectoralis major muscle
Pectoralis minor muscle
Back flaps
Latissimus dorsi flap (m. Latissimus dorsi)
The serratus anterior muscle (m. Serratus anterior)
Scapular flap
Shoulder flaps
Deltoid flap
The medial shoulder flap
The lateral arm flap
Forearm flaps (Chinese flaps)
Radial flap
Ulnar flap
Anterior abdominal wall flap
Rectus abdominis muscle flaps (TRAM-flap)
Groin flaps
Inguinal flap
Gluteal flap
Superior gluteal flap
Inferior gluteal flap
Thigh flaps
Muscle tensor-flaps of fasciae latae (m. Tensor fasciae latae)
Gentle muscle (m. Gracillis)
Outer skin and fascial thigh flaps
Medial skin and fascial thigh flaps
Flap, including the rectus femoris
Subcutaneous (saphenous) flap
Shin flaps
Foot flaps
Rear foot flap
The flap of the 1st interdigital spaces
The medial plantar flap
Organ autotransplantation
Testicle (surgery within cryptorchidism)
Utilized flaps